Cenforce 150 is used to treat erectile dysfunction (barrenness in the male). Cenforce tablets are precious stone-formed pills accessible as 25, 50, or 100 mg. Cenforce contains sildenafil citrate, which is an inhibitor of the Phosphodiesterase catalyst. One should accept Cenforce 150 mg pill 30 to an hour prior to sex. The medication begins to show its effects after 15 minutes of taking it.
The medication is a PDE-6 inhibitor; it causes blood flow to the penis and causes an erection. In erectile dysfunction, the individual (male) does not accomplish an erection. Regardless of whether an erection is accomplished, it does not cause a good erection. one should not accept more than one tablet since it might prompt excess and cause serious aftereffects. The impact of the cenforce150 sildenafil citrate goes on for more than 4-5 hours.
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