Favorite Food Essay James
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What was FDR's favorite food? According to Henrietta Nesbitt, the White House housekeeper, FDR had very simple American tastes in foods; he liked foods "he could dig into." Among his favorite dishes were scrambled eggs, fish chowder, grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs, and fruitcake.
The sound of my doorbell starts off high, then the pitch mellows out, and the whole effect mimics an instrumental interpretation of rain finally finding a steady pace at which to fall. I have spent several minutes analyzing its tone because I have had many opportunities to do so, as one thing I love to do is order pizza and have it delivered to my house. When the delivery person rings my doorbell, I instantly morph into one of Pavlov's dogs, salivating to the sound that signals the arrival of cheesy, circular glory. It smells like celebration, as I love to rejoice a happy occasion by calling Papa John's for my favorite food. It tastes like comfort, since having pizza delivered to my quiet home is a way for me to unwind. It looks like self-sufficiency, because when I was younger, ordering pizza made me feel grown-up, and it still provides that satisfaction for my child at heart. Accepting those warm cardboard boxes at my front door is second nature to me, but I will always love ordering pizza because of the way the eight slices of something so ordinary are able to evoke feelings of independence, consolation, and joy.
Jim Halpert was born on October 1, 1978, to Gerald and Betsy Halpert. He has two brothers; Pete, who lives in Boston, and Tom, who lives in New Jersey. They both share Jim's general love of pranks but have come across as unpleasant and they somewhat bully their little brother. Jim's parents presumably live in Scranton, as well as his sister Larisa and best friend Alan Murphy, who are listed as his emergency contacts at Dunder Mifflin. While Pete and Tom have been seen on the show a few times, Larisa has not.[1] He has a niece, Vanessa,[2] and a nephew old enough to play T-ball.[3] In "Branch Wars," while he is not specific on which brother he is referring to, he states that his brother's wife just had another baby.[4] Jim enjoys cycling,[5] and, as he reveals in a deleted scene from "Take Your Daughter to Work Day," at times will babysit Toby Flenderson's daughter, Sasha.[6] He also lists soft-shell crab as his favorite food.[7]Jim has noted that basketball "Was kind of [his] thing" in high school.[8] Although no high school is specifically named by Jim, both Dunmore High School (as evidenced in a deleted scene from "Product Recall" where, during a business visit, he asks a high school student about a former teacher) and West Scranton High School (as evidenced when, during "Email Surveillance," Pam holds up his yearbook displaying their mascot name, Invaders, across the front) are referenced in separate episodes. In the episode "Dwight's Speech," Jim tells Dwight that he majored in Public Speaking, however, he later denies this.[9] Jim began working at Dunder Mifflin between 1998 and 1999 (as evidenced in "Pilot" and "The Merger," where Jim says that he still loves when Michael says, "Wazzup!" crazily after seven years, and that on his first day at work Michael played an orientation video which parodied The Blair Witch Project).[10]
The name of James Wilson might not be very familiar, although this man was one of the people who made the difference in swaying the minds of the American colonists.James Wilson was born in Scotland on September the 14th, 1742. Here, he attended the Universities of St.Andrews, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. He never finished hisstudies, as he sailed for the New World in 1765.Aided by some letters of introduction, he became a tutor with the Collegeof Philadelphia. He received an horonorary M.A. shortly thereafter.In November 1767, he was admitted to the bar, and thus pursuing hisrecent-borninterest in the law. He set up his own practice in Reading in the year 1768.Hewas quite successfull, as he handled nearly half of the cases charged in thecountry court.During one of the following years he married Rachel Bird.In 1774, he wrote an essay with the title:" Considerations on the Natureand Extent of the Legislative Authority of the British Government." Hedistributed this article among the members of the First ContinentalCongress.Within those pages, he set down a number of arguments which severelychallengedthe parliamentary authority over America. In the final conclusion of thismanuscript, he states that Parliament han no power whatsover over the Americancolonies. Although he accepted in some ways the power of the Monarch, hewould not subject himself to the whims of Parliament, in which the colonieshad no representation. His manuscript was read in both America and England,and created quite a stir.He was one of the first to ever voice these opinions in a sensible,well-argumentedmanner. To quote from the Declaration ofIndependence:"All the members of the BritishEmpire are distinct states, independant of each other, but connected togetherunder the same souvereign." The previous example is to illustrate the impactWilson's statements made.As a member of the Pennsylvanian Provincial Congress, he made a passionatespeechabout the possibility of an unconstitutional act made by Parliament. JudicialReview, the American system of checking governmental acts with theConstitution, wason it's way.In the same year, 1775, he signed the Declaration of Independance as a memberof the SecondContinental Congress. According tosources, it seems he hesitated at first, but signed anyway. This was due tothe fact that hewas a representative of the Middle States, where opinions about independancediffered.But by signing the Declaration, he broke the deadlock the Pennsylnaniandelegation was in.His signature made sure Pennsylvania voted for independance.During the next years he was an occasional member of the Continental Congress,and was present atthe Constitutional Convention of 1787, which assembled with the purpose ofdrafting The Constitution of the United States ofAmerica. Here he was a very influential figure, whose ideas where heavily incorporated in one of the most important documents in history. Thus the Constitution bears his signature. In 1789, he became a professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania, and in the same year was appointed associate justice of the Supreme Court. In this role, he did not shine as brightly as he used to do, as he did not voice any new or ground-breaking judicial ideas. He deceased August 21, 1798; a widower with six children. Alternative biographyThere is another biography of James Wilson, which differs on some topics:Wilson was born in 1741 or 1742 at Carskerdo, near St. Andrews, Scotland, and educated at theuniversities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. He then emigrated to America, arriving inthe midst of the Stamp Act agitations in 1765. Early the next year, he accepted a position as Latintutor at the College of Philadelphia (later part of the University of Pennsylvania) but almostimmediately abandoned it to study law under John Dickinson.In 1768, the year after his admission to the Philadelphia bar, Wilson set up practice at Reading,Pa. Two years later, he moved westward to the Scotch-Irish settlement of Carlisle, and thefollowing year he took a bride, Rachel Bird. He specialized in land law and built up a broadclientele. On borrowed capital, he also began to speculate in land. In some way he managed, too,to lecture on English literature at the College of Philadelphia, which had awarded him an honorarymaster of arts degree in 1766.Wilson became involved in Revolutionary politics. In 1774 he took over chairmanship of theCarlisle committee of correspondence, attended the first provincial assembly, and completedpreparation of Considerations on the Nature and Extent of the Legislative Authority of theBritish Parliament. This tract circulated widely in England and America and establishedhim as a Whig leader.The next year, Wilson was elected to both the provincial assembly and the Continental Congress,where he sat mainly on military and Indian affairs committees. In 1776, reflecting the wishes of hisconstituents, he joined the moderates in Congress voting for a 3-week delay in consideringRichard Henry Lee's resolution of June 7 for independence. On the July 1 and 2 ballots on theissue, however, he voted in the affirmative and signed the Declaration of Independence on August2.Wilson's strenuous opposition to the republican Pennsylvania constitution of 1776, besidesindicating a switch to conservatism on his part, led to his removal from Congress the followingyear. To avoid the clamor among his frontier constituents, he repaired to Annapolis during thewinter of 1777-78 and then took up residence in Philadelphia.Wilson affirmed his newly assumed political stance by closely identifying with the aristocratic andconservative republican groups, multiplying his business interests, and accelerating his landspeculation. He also took a position as Advocate General for France in America (1779-83),dealing with commercial and maritime matters, and legally defended Loyalists and theirsympathizers.In the fall of 1779, during a period of inflation and food shortages, a mob which included manymilitiamen and was led by radical constitutionalists, set out to attack the republican leadership.Wilson was a prime target. He and some 35 of his colleagues barricaded themselves in his home atThird and Walnut Streets, thereafter known as "Fort Wilson." During a brief skirmish, severalpeople on both sides were killed or wounded. The shock cooled sentiments and pardons wereissued all around, though major political battles over the commonwealth constitution still layahead.During 1781 Congress appointed Wilson as one of the directors of the Bank of North America,newly founded by his close associate and legal client Robert Morris. In 1782, by which time theconservatives had regained some of their power, the former was reelected to Congress, and healso served in the period 1785-87.Wilson reached the apex of his career in the Constitutional Convention (1787), where hisinfluence was probably second only to that of Madison. Rarely missing a session, he sat on theCommittee of Detail and in many other ways applied his excellent knowledge of political theory toconvention problems. Only Gouverneur Morris delivered more speeches.That same year, overcoming powerful opposition, Wilson led the drive for ratification inPennsylvania, the second state to endorse the instrument. The new commonwealth constitution,drafted in 1789-90 along the lines of the U.S. Constitution, was primarily Wilson's work andrepresented the climax of his 14-year fight against the constitution of 1776.For his services in the formation of the federal government, though Wilson expected to be appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, in 1789 President Washington named him as an associate justice. He was chosen that same year as the first law professor at the College of Philadelphia. Two years later he began an official digest of the laws of Pennsylvania, a project he never completed, though he carried on for a while after funds ran out.Wilson, who wrote only a few opinions, did not achieve the success on the Supreme Court that his capabilities and experience promised. Indeed, during those years he was the object of much criticism and barely escaped impeachment. For one thing, he tried to influence the enactment of legislation in Pennsylvania favorable to land speculators. Between 1792 and 1795 he also made huge but unwise land investments in western New York and Pennsylvania, as well asin Georgia. This did not stop him from conceiving a grandiose but ill-fated scheme, involving vast sums of European capital, for the recruitment of European colonists and their settlement in the West. Meantime, in 1793, as a widower with six children, he remarried to Hannah Gray; their one son died in infancy.Four years later, to avoid arrest for debt, the distraught Wilson moved from Philadelphia toBurlington, NJ. The next year, apparently while on federal circuit court business, he arrived atEdenton, NC, in a state of acute mental stress and was taken into the home of James Iredell, afellow Supreme Court justice. He died there within a few months. Although first buried at HayesPlantation near Edenton, his remains were later reinterred in the yard of Christ Church atPhiladelphia. 2b1af7f3a8
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