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Prices of a different licenses of BaKoMa TeX, additional font packages, and upgrades are listed in Price List Payment can be in cash directly to the author, or in a wide variety of forms via the on-line payment services, mentioned in Price List. One you have registered BaKoMa TeX with the a payment service, you will receive instruction for unlocking the software. License payments in anticipation of future use would provide encouraging support for the BaKoMa TeX System project. Evaluation (non-registered) BaKoMa TeX is a \"full-featured\" release. This means that the same capabilities available in the registered software are present in the non-registered software. However, distribution of PDF files generated by non-registered package is strictly forbidden. This allows you to try out all the features in BaKoMa TeX to confirm that they work to your satisfaction. Licensing agreement DistributionThis software may be freely distributed, provided that: Such distribution includes only the original archive supplied by the software author. You may not alter, delete or add any files in the distribution archive. The distribution does not include a registration number. No money is charged to the person receiving the software, beyond reasonable cost of packaging and other overhead. For information about redistribution of BaKoMa TeX contact us. LicenseBy receiving and/or using BaKoMa TeX software, you accept the following Evaluation and Registered User Agreement. This agreement is a binding legal agreement between BaKoMa TeX author and the purchasers, users or evaluators of BaKoMa TeX software. If you do not intend to honor this agreement, remove all installed components of BaKoMa TeX from your computer now. Evaluation (Unregistered) and Registered User AgreementYou may evaluate the program for maximum of 28 calendar days, after which you must register the program or remove the software from your computer. You may allow other users to evaluate copies of the unregistered software. All evaluation users are subject to the terms of this agreement. The evaluator/user/buyer/owner is not allowed to attempt to reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile programs and Type 1 fonts distributed with BaKoMa TeX. Author of BaKoMa TeX is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including loss of information, interruption of business, personal injury and/or any damage or consequential damage without limitation, incurred before, during or after the use of BaKoMa TeX. Each registered copy of the BaKoMa TeX (for individual license) may be used in only one single location by one user. Use of the software means that you have loaded the program and run it or have installed the program onto a computer. If you install the software onto a multi-user platform or network, each and every individual user of the software must be registered separately. If any person other than yourself uses BaKoMa TeX registered in your name, regardless of whether it is at the same time or different times, then this agreement is being violated! The sale of and/or distribution of registered copies of this software is strictly forbidden. It is a violation of this agreement to loan, rent, lease, borrow, or transfer the use of registered copies of BaKoMa TeX.
One touch key for TeX + Preview + customizable set of a postprocessors Character precision jumping between Text and Preview (DVI Forward/Reverse Search) Dynamical Preview allows the user to preview instantly selected region of the file being edited Gather, Bookmarks and other tools for quick navigation through document structure Powerful support for different input encodings Graphics import assistant (including smart tool to import images from clipboard) Project support Assistance for multi-file documents: context sensitive opening of included text and graphics files, Searching TeX errors using the TeX log file Searching help for TeX commands in entire document collection Syntax highlighting is configurable for catcodes and highlighting dictionaries Customizable GUI Control Bar and menus for quick inserting Math Symbols and other commands Syntax Completion and other tools for quick insertion of frequently used LaTeX constructions Spell Checker: correction suggestions, on-the-spot highlighting of misspelled words, handling of (La)TeX commands, accenting commands, babel shortcuts BibEdit - editor for BIB files is well integrated with another system components Handles imported PostScript and other Vector formats via vectors Handles in-line PostScript (PSTricks, PSFrag, AxoDraw, etc) Compact Font Format (CFF) requires 2--3 times less space then other font forms Supports PDF Encryption via pdfcrypt LaTeX package Embeds ToUnicode CMAPs to support search and copy-paste of cyrillic and other international characters Sharing Fonts between a PDF files is suitable for preparing CD-ROM based document libraries It handles HyperTeX (HyperRef) and document outline TeX processor supports TCX mechanism TCX tables are generated automatically after specifing two encoding vectors defined via PostScript TeX processor embeds into the DVI file source information, that is used to support DVI Forward/Reverse search DVIPS supports import of GZIPped graphics files and graphics import filters DVIPS includes improved algorithm for partial font downloading that handle any PostScript Type 1 font (ATM compatibility isn't required), because font parsing is implemented via PostScript interpreter DVIPS supports using fonts with large number ( > 256 ) of glyphs Generally, it means that mappings of single PostScript font to several TeX fonts with different encoding vectors is correctly handled by new DVIPS Standard DVIPS can't perform partial font downloading for such mappings DVIPS supports using TrueType fonts DVIPS supports using Multiple Master Type 1 fonts TeX processor supports automatical creation of BB-files for non-PostScript graphics It is useful for LaTeX graphics bundle TeX processor reads TeX files in binary mode, that takes following advantages: all types of line separators (DOS, UNIX, MAC) are supported all control characters (including of Ctrl-Z - DOS EOF) are accepted It uses an interprocess cache that accelerates file search and reduces memory requirements It supports auto-mirrors for TEXMF trees residing on slow storage devices (CD-ROM, NETWORK)BaKoMa TeX 8.50 Limitations:
pigpen, apl, accanthis, augie, ifsym, heuristica, tengwar, capbas, skull, alegreya, newpx, mintspirit, fge, pacioli, ogham, cmolddig, electrumadf, hfoldsty, vicentino, ocr-b-outline, euroitc, msym, lobster2, obnov, poorman, orkhun, mathstone, marvosym, tfrupee, ipaex-type1, sansmathfonts, lm-math, truetypemetrics, duerer, librecaslon, concmath-fonts, engwar, universalis, phonetic, initials, asana-math, softfonts, amsfonts, librebaskerville, rsfso, figbas, bbold-type1, eulervm, imprintmtshadow, mathtime-metrics, latex-fonts, charter, dozenal, merriweather, newtxtt, paratype, urwchancal, opensans, venturisadf, knot, csx, adforn, baskervaldadf, divine, cc-pl, stmaryrd, stix, manual, utopia, boondox, punknova, niceframe-type1, twcal, pandora, genealogy, cinzel, gillius, script-font, pxtxalfa, fbb, va, cabin, mtp2lite, t1-fraktur, cantarell, cirth, clearsans, cryst, calligra, mathdesign, musixtex-fonts, mdsymbol, carolmin-t1, bera, moonphase, txfontsb, ae, roboto, fonetika, ransom, elvish, junicode, libertine, dejavu, hacm, bbding, gentium-tug, countriesofeurope, trajan, hieroglyph, zefonts, cjk-fonts, punk, poetica, astro, yhmath, libris, iching, klinz, amiri, mnsymbol, poltawski, foekfont, recycle, belleek, magic, dutchcal, greenpoint, verdana, brushscr, ljmetrics, cmastro, go, tolkienfonts, quattrocento, ebgaramond, fourier, sourcesanspro, fandol, ulsy, pcarl, wasy2, rsfs, berenisadf, mathpazo, okuda, ascii-font, calligra-type1, bickham, aurical, droid, cypriote, fdsymbol, wadalab, playfair, emerald, logic, arev, jamtimes, trsym, umtypewriter, newtx, tapir, dingbat, ec, oesch, induni-om, xcharter, minion2newtx, knitting, cmbright, hershey, mathabx, cun, minionpro, igo, mbboard, karta, halftone, comfortaa, cherokee, futhorc, semaphor, shuffle, tsipa, sansmathaccent, frcursive, wsuipa, universa, ccicons, cmll, dayroman, doublestroke, bbold, gnu-freefont, boisik, dice, euro-ce, cyklop, aecc, covfonts, xq, malvern, lato, schulschriften, nkarta, icelandic, garamondx, antt, cfr-lm, eiad, wnri, arphic, mdputu, dictsym, txfonts, kixfont, cmoefont, fira, kurier, jablantile, adfsymbols, xits, overlock, cmpica, comicsans, kpfonts, redis, oldstandard, cm-unicode, anonymouspro, romandeadf, concrete, zlmtt, lxfonts, ecc, feyn, eco, fetamont, sourcecodepro, mt11p, oca, ipaex, morse, byzfonts, esstix, superiors, prodint, mathgifg, iwona, luximono, ocr-a, ocr-b, webomints, bguq, eurosym, raleway, bartel-chess-fonts, auncial-new, inconsolata, pxfonts, lsabon, fpl, philokalia, baskervaldx, lm, la, nanumtype1, futhark, allrunes, fouriernc, fontawesome, hands
pst-bar, pst-asr, pst-slpe, pst-cox, pst-tools, pst-diffraction, pst-barcode, pst-magneticfield, psgo, pst-platon, pst-abspos, pst-math, pst-plot, pst-tvz, pst-infixplot, uml, pst-optexp, pst-fill, dsptricks, pst-graphicx, pst-vectorian, pst-perspective, pst-circ, piechart, pst-bspline, pst-thick, pst-qtree, pst-ob3d, vaucanson-g, pst-fr3d, pst-sigsys, pst-fit, pst-3d, pst-coil, pst-fun, pst-poly, pst-vue3d, pst-dbicons, pst-func, pst-lens, pst-solarsystem, pst-tree, pst-calendar, pst-gr3d, pst-grad, numericplots, pst-eucl, pst-stru, makeplot, pst-labo, pst-uml, pst-osci, pst-pad, pst-ode, pst-optic, pst-solides3d, pst-gantt, pst-node, pst-3dplot, pst-ovl, pst-eps, pst-exa, pst-light3d, pst-knot, pst-soroban, pstricks-add, pst-electricfield, pst-blur, pst-bezier, pst-fractal, vocaltract, pst-am, pst-spectra, pst-rubans, pst-layout, pst-geo, pst-2dplot, pst-intersect, psbao, pst-text, pst-jtree, pst-pulley, pst-mirror 153554b96e
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